Friday, October 3, 2008

Luke's Blog

It seems like everyone has a blog these days, right? We are all so important!! :) Here is the blog for my adorable nephew, Luke. He was born in March and has been the delight of the family ever since. He is the ringbearer in our wedding- I can't wait to see him in his tux!

Eric's Blog

Hi everyone! I've gotten a few comments on the fact that I haven't blogged since Eric got to Sicily. I'm sorry!!! :( Things have actually backtracked in my pursuit for internet access from home. At one point, I had an active phone line, PLUS international calling, AND had the internet service "on order". Then one day I picked up the phone and there was no dial tone. Back to square one! Ugh! So dear friends, I am not ignoring you, I am just monumentally frustrated and tired of trudging over to the library every time I need to check my email or blog.

HOWEVER, my loving almost-husband has started his own blog and it is much more up to date than mine. You can also link to his web albums which show our trips to Lipari- which was AWESOME, by the way.

Only 3 weeks to the wedding! I can't wait!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!