Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Things can't be that bad when you have a view like this

The past couple weeks have been sort of high stress... I've moved in to the apartment but my household goods shipment is still sitting in Naples waiting to be put on a truck and driven down here. In Italy, August is the vacation month, and everyone operates as if they are on vacation, even while they are at work. Our housing department is staffed entirely by Italians. They are wonderful, friendly and very helpful, but I must have been there 20 times this month. Yes, that's more than once a day. "Ciao Lieutenant Murphy, come stai? Can you come back after lunch? No one is here who can set up your utilities." "Boun giorno Shannon! Oh, today is bad, there are only four of us... can you come back tomorrow? Grazie mille!" Now, there are lots of helpful MEN in housing: "Ah, bellisima ragazi (beautiful lady) oh yes I help you. Eh- Giuseppe, LT Murphy is here! Ah, bella bella, Ciao! You go out with a nice Italian, eh, yes?" Being "bellisima" can get me lots of things, but it doesn't seem to get me internet in my apartment any faster. :)
The picture above was taken on the terrace of my apartment as the moon was rising. It is so beautiful!

1 comment:

jess said...

hopefully everything is set up before eric gets over there, or he may have a couple things to say to the cable guy!!! it looks amazing and i hope everything else is going well! looking foward to the wedding!!!