Friday, October 3, 2008

Eric's Blog

Hi everyone! I've gotten a few comments on the fact that I haven't blogged since Eric got to Sicily. I'm sorry!!! :( Things have actually backtracked in my pursuit for internet access from home. At one point, I had an active phone line, PLUS international calling, AND had the internet service "on order". Then one day I picked up the phone and there was no dial tone. Back to square one! Ugh! So dear friends, I am not ignoring you, I am just monumentally frustrated and tired of trudging over to the library every time I need to check my email or blog.

HOWEVER, my loving almost-husband has started his own blog and it is much more up to date than mine. You can also link to his web albums which show our trips to Lipari- which was AWESOME, by the way.

Only 3 weeks to the wedding! I can't wait!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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