Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Eric arrives

Hi everyone! So sorry for the delay in posting. Believe it or not I am still without phone or internet at my house. I could go on about all the drama involved in setting up utilities in Italy for a whole post, probably. But, as I just nipped over to the library on my lunch break, I will instead focus my attentions on more exciting events.
Eric is here! He arrived Thursday night and has been sweating since he stepped of the plane. He's gone through about 30 gallons of water already. We're hoping his body will adjust to the change in climate, but I'm not optimistic. :) He keeps accusing me of dragging him nearer and nearer to the Equator (first DC and now Sicily). I'm starting to think that all of our vacations together are going to be in NORTHERN Europe.
But really, he is enjoying himself here. I took him for dinner at Pizzeria Pellegrino, which is right in the main piazza of the town. They have the most amazing pizza there called pizza tartufatta. It has mozzarella, proscuitto crudo, roasted mushrooms, 2 other mysterious cheeses and truffle oil. This may not sound like eating it would be a transcendent experience, but let me tell you IT IS. There was your life before tartufatta and then your new life with tartufatta. While we were eating, they were having an outdoor Mass in the piazza followed by fireworks. I told Eric the locals were welcoming him to town.
The next couple days we spent putting the apartment together. Eric is excited about installing his stereos (yes it is plural, I think he has a dozen or so) and is mystified by European current. We have transformer boxes but for some reason they aren't working effectively. He gets shocked everytime he puts the needle on his turntable. His new idea is to rewire all our lamps with euro plugins so that we don't have to plug them into the transformer, we can just plug them into the wall. I find it adorable that Eric gets excited about projects like this.
Hope to post again soon! Ciao!

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